Follow That Dream (1962)

Viva Pod Vegas: The Elvis Presley Film Podcast

01-08-2022 • 57 mins

After our recent time warp to cover Baz Luhrmann's Elvis, we're back on the original timeline and talking about Elvis Presley in Follow That Dream! But... is homesteading a dream? We have questions! We talk about how we've been duped (yet again) into thinking every remaining movie is a musical, how weird this movie is in particular, and how terrible Elvis's character's name is. We discuss how Follow That Dream shows Elvis (once again) falling in love with a familial relation -- even though he isn't girl crazy -- and why this movie is so horny. We also share a Tom Petty connection, talk about toilets for a while, and lament the lack of a real EP being available for this movie. Plus, we begin to look at these original Elvis movies through the lens and lessons learned by watching Baz Luhrmann's Elvis. Is Pops in this movie a stand-in for the Colonel? Maybe!

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