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113 - Why Do People Stay In Abusive Relationships? (Ezzy)

The Answer To Everything

26-03-2024 • 21 mins

I'm looking for 10 busy-ass women who are anxious, and want to go to counseling but don't have the time or resources. If this is you.. I have something for you that will change your life in 21 days. Click here to be the first to hear about it: I am a busy-ass woman with anxiety.

Have you ever wondered why people stay in an abusive relationship? Maybe you have someone in your life who repeatedly mistreats you… but you still have hope they will change. Why do you think you have hope, when they’ve shown you they will not, or cannot, change?

In this episode, Rachel explains how one of the hallmarks of an abuser is the inability to change. She explores several reasons why you still hope your abuser will change, even when rationally, you know they will not. By the end of the episode, you’ll know what to do with the hope that you feel... And surprise! The answer isn’t to just leave your abusive partner.

In Ezzy’s most recent counseling session, she recounts what her abusive relationship looked like - and how she gave it just one more chance… and was then disappointed.

How anxious are you (for real)? Find out in 5 super-quick questions.